About the School Council
The TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School (TECCA)'s School Council is an organization of teachers, parents, and community members who are committed to and actively involved in helping the school provide the best possible education for its students. Council members enjoy the opportunity to play a vital role in shaping the school’s policies and programs. The areas in which the school council has responsibility are:
- Influencing the overall culture and mission of TECCA
- Adopting educational goals that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards
- Reviewing applicable areas of the school budget
- Reviewing the school improvement plan
School councils were established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C. This legislation specifies that the council is to consist of parents of students attending the school, teachers, and “other persons drawn from such groups or entities as municipal government, business and labor organizations, institutions of higher education, human service agencies or other interested groups, including those from school-age child care programs.” For schools serving grades nine to twelve, there should be at least one student on the council.
TECCA’s school council membership follows an open, multifaceted approach. As we evolve, we are looking for regular members who are committed to the school council schedule, scope, and purpose of our charge as a council. To become a member of the school council, contact us at 774-315-5123.
The school council maintains a regular meeting schedule throughout the school year. Meetings are open to TECCA students, parents, Learning Coaches, and teachers who wish to join the meeting to take a passive or active role. The meetings are also open to the public and in compliance with Massachusetts’ open meeting laws.
School Phone: 774-315-5123
School Fax: 774-256-9343
Meeting Dates
The meeting dates for 2024-25 have not been finalized. The official posting location for school council meeting notices is on this website. We will update these dates as new meetings are added.